Laser EM: Philipp Buhl auf Bronze-Platz – Svenja Weger stark im Frauen-Feld

Buhl gegen den Rest der Welt

Beim ersten große Saisonhöhepunkt ist Philipp Buhl voll da. Zur Halbzeit spielt er ganz vorne mit, aber ein Handicap kann sich noch böse auswirken. Auch Svenja Weger klopft mal wieder oben an.

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1 Kommentare zu „Laser EM: Philipp Buhl auf Bronze-Platz – Svenja Weger stark im Frauen-Feld“

  1. Observer sagt:

    Immer hilfreich, wenn man auch das Notice of Race liest:
    Ab 10 Rennen zwei Streicher
    To encourage boats to take penalties afloat, jury members may blow a whistle when they see what they
    believe to be a breach of a rule.
    There shall be no appeal from the decisions of the jury.
    A boat shall neither make radio communication while racing nor receive radio communications not available
    to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.
    Each competitor shall wear a life jacket or other adequ
    ate personal buoyancy at all times when afloat. Wet
    suits and dry suits do not constitute adequate personal buoyancy.
    Four races are required to be completed to constitute a championship.
    When from four to nine races have been completed the worst
    race score will be excluded.
    When ten or more races have been completed the two worst race scores will be excluded.
    When a qualifying/final series is sailed:
    The qualifying series races and the final series races will count for total points in the champion
    A qualifying series race will not count until all qualifying series fleets have completed that race.
    The worst qualifying series race score will be excluded when calculating the division into final series fleets.
    If only one final series race is comp
    leted it will not be excluded.
    If two or more final series races are completed then a maximum of one final series race score may be

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