J/111 bei der Spi Ouest: Neue Einheitsklasse im Renneinsatz

Hübsches Schiff

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3 Kommentare zu „J/111 bei der Spi Ouest: Neue Einheitsklasse im Renneinsatz“

  1. Pingback: Poppis i Tyskland | BLUR

  2. Heini sagt:

    boat is in Kappeln !?
    certainly to visit the famous ‚herring days‘ …. 😀

  3. Thanks.

    We got the boat from J/boats one week before the regatta, and the plan was to use Spi Ouest to get up to speed against the best boats in the class. Nine boats from France, UK, Belgium, Holland and Sweden wasn’t bad for the first regatta.

    We had a steep learning curve, but were very happy with both the boat and our progress. Now the boat is in Kappeln and we’ll sail tit back to Sweden in a few weeks fore more tuning and training. many of the other boats will go to Cowes Week and J/Cup in the UK later this summer.

    Oh, and we havn’t got our #3.5 jib yest, so that’s the reason for going with a reefed main in the first day. In 20-24 knots of breeze we managed 18.5 knots downwind. Looks like a fun summer 🙂

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