Wal-Kollision: Wie Kito de Pavant seine Yacht verlor – Dramatisches Video

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3 Kommentare zu „Wal-Kollision: Wie Kito de Pavant seine Yacht verlor – Dramatisches Video“

  1. Fabian Ritter sagt:

    Hello, I am writing to you in my role as ship strike data coordinator at the International Whaling Commission IWC. This is an interesting video and a rare account of a whale struck by a vessel caught on video. Although not 100% sure, I would argue that the whale hit was a baleen whale rather than a sperm whale.

    With this I would like to invite you to enter the available data on this incident into the IWC global ship strike data base via this link: http://iwc.int/ship-strikes

    Background information: The IWC has developed a standardized global database to report collisions between vessels and whales. The database is open for anyone to submit data and includes information on the whales (e.g., species, size, observed injuries, etc.) and on the vessels. The objectives of the database are accurate estimates of mortality and injuries, to help detect trends over time, to allow better modeling of risk factors (e.g., vessel type, speed, size), and to identify high risk or unsuspected problem areas. The data base provides an on-going facility for collecting new information. Most importantly, it relies on scientists and mariners providing information. Therefore, any report of a ship strike is important.
    We are generally looking for new records and invite anyone with information regarding collision cases or evidence of animals with clear sign of ship strike to compile the online database.
    Please be reassured that all data will only be used for scientific purposes with the final aim to develop mitigation measures for ship strikes

    Thank you very much for your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
    Best greetings,

  2. prospero sagt:

    Veröffentlicht am 14.3.2017.
    Das Wal-Video ging schon vor einem halben Jahr durch die Netzwelt.

  3. Borgfels sagt:

    Auch hier der dezente Hinweis, dass der Wal schon lange vor dem Regattasegler auf den Weltmeeren unterwegs war/ist und der Segler genauso fuer den Wal eine Gefahr/Risiko darstellt. So dramatisch der Incident fuer Kito war, so dramatisch war er mit Sicherheit auch fuer den Wal!

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