Seenot: Verwirrter deutscher Einhandsegler vom Schiff gesprungen
+++ „Feindselige Männer an Bord“ +++
Michael Kunst
Von seiner 13-m-Yacht „Großer Bär“ sendete ein 67jähriger Einhandsegler einen seltsamen Notruf: Er sei von mehreren Individuen umgeben und fühle sich bedroht…
Eine Antwort zu „Seenot: Verwirrter deutscher Einhandsegler vom Schiff gesprungen“
We had the pleasure to meet this sailor during a stop at the Marina of la Linea close to Gibraltar.
He is a nice fellow and very experienced sailor who was sailing his boat alone from Turkey back to Hamburg. This is quite an adventure and even more for a 67 year old guy!
According to Grosser Baer is back in Hamburg.
Eine Antwort zu „Seenot: Verwirrter deutscher Einhandsegler vom Schiff gesprungen“
We had the pleasure to meet this sailor during a stop at the Marina of la Linea close to Gibraltar.
He is a nice fellow and very experienced sailor who was sailing his boat alone from Turkey back to Hamburg. This is quite an adventure and even more for a 67 year old guy!
According to Grosser Baer is back in Hamburg.
I hope Gunther is going well.
Brice from SV ZhuHai